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Problem Description

There are n dormitories in Berland State University, they are numbered with integers from 1 to n. Each dormitory consists of rooms, there are ai rooms in i-th dormitory. The rooms in i-th dormitory are numbered from 1 to ai.

A postman delivers letters. Sometimes there is no specific dormitory and room number in it on an envelope. Instead of it only a room number among all rooms of all n dormitories is written on an envelope. In this case, assume that all the rooms are numbered from 1 to a1 + a2 +..... + an and the rooms of the first dormitory go first, the rooms of the second dormitory go after them and so on.

For example, in case n=2, a1=3 and a2=5 an envelope can have any integer from 1 to 8 written on it. If the number 7 is written on an envelope, it means that the letter should be delivered to the room number 4 of the second dormitory.

For each of m letters by the room number among all n dormitories, determine the particular dormitory and the room number in a dormitory where this letter should be delivered.


The first line contains two integers n and m (1 ≤ n, m ≤ 2 * 105) — the number of dormitories and the number of letters.

The second line contains a sequence a1, a2,......., an (1 ≤ ai ≤ 1010), where ai equals to the number of rooms in the i-th dormitory. The third line contains a sequence b1, b2,........., bm(1≤bj ≤ a1 + a2 +........+ an), where bj equals to the room number (among all rooms of all dormitories) for the j-th letter. All bj are given in increasing order.


Print m lines. For each letter print two integers f and k — the dormitory number f (1 ≤ f ≤ n) and the room number k in this dormitory (1 ≤ k ≤ af) to deliver the letter.

SampleInput 1
3 6
10 15 12
1 9 12 23 26 37
SampleOutput 1
1 1
1 9
2 2
2 13
3 1
3 12
SampleInput 2
2 3
5 10000000000
5 6 9999999999
SampleOutput 2
1 5
2 1
2 9999999994

In the first example letters should be delivered in the following order:

  • the first letter in room 1 of the first dormitory
  • the second letter in room 9 of the first dormitory
  • the third letter in room 2 of the second dormitory
  • the fourth letter in room 13 of the second dormitory
  • the fifth letter in room 1 of the third dormitory
  • the sixth letter in room 12 of the third dormitory

T^T Online Judge

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