Because of the financial crisis, a large number of enterprises go bankrupt. In addition to this, other enterprises, which have trade relation with the bankrup enterprises, are also faced with closing down. Owing to the market collapse, profit decline and funding chain intense, the debt-ridden entrepreneurs
have to turn to the enterprise with stably developing for help.
Nowadays, there exist a complex net of financial trade relationship between enterprises. So if one of enterprises on the same financial chain is faced with bankrupt, leading to cashflow's obstruction, the other enterprises related with it will be influenced as well. At the moment, the foresight entrepreneurs are expected the safer cooperation between enterprises. In this sense, they want to know how many financial chains between some pairs of enterprises are independent with each other. The indepence is defined that if there exist two roads which are made up of enterprises(Vertexs) and their financial trade relations(Edge) has the common start point S and end point T, and expect S and T, none of other enterprise in two chains is included in these two roads at the same time. So that if one of enterpirse bankrupt in one of road, the other will not be obstructed.
Now there are N enterprises, and have M pair of financial trade relations between them, the relations are Mutual. They need to ask about Q pairs of enterprises' safety situations. When two enterprises have two or more independent financial chains, we say they are safe enough, you needn't provide exact answers.