Kanade's sum
TimeLimit:2000MS MemoryLimit:65536KB
64-bit integer IO format:%I64d
Problem Description
Give you an array $A[1..n] $of length $n$.
Let $f(l,r,k)$ be the k-th largest element of $A[l..r]$.
Specially , $f(l,r,k)=0$ if $r-l+1<k$.
Give you $k$ , you need to calculate $\sum_{l=1}^{n}\sum_{r=l}^{n}f(l,r,k)$
There are T test cases.
$1\leq T\leq 10$
$k\leq min(n,80)$
$A[1..n] ~is~a~permutation~of~[1..n]$
$\sum n\leq 5*10^5$
There is only one integer T on first line.
For each test case,there are only two integers $n$,$k$ on first line,and the second line consists of $n$ integers which means the array $A[1..n]$
For each test case,output an integer, which means the answer.